Critical considerations on mental health treatment today, in Italy.

Renzo Carli, Rosa Maria Paniccia


The paper analyzes the two perspectives of treatment and care subsequent to the law 180, regarding the serious mentally ill person, characterized by the refusal of its condition of being "sick": the perspective of psychopharmacological treatment and containment, that is expressed in the recent proposal of reform of the psychiatric care discussed in Parliament now; the perspective which aims to strengthen the possible relationship with the context within which the rehabilitation of the mentally ill person is realized. Some strategic lines are proposed in order to realize and enhance this second perspective which promotes the social insertion of the mentally ill person, based on a potential change of the function of mental health services.

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Rivista di Psicologia Clinica. Teoria e metodi dell'intervento

Rivista Telematica a Carattere Scientifico Registrazione presso il Tribunale civile di Roma (n.149/2006 del 17/03/2006)

ISSN 1828-9363