Atypical employment: Cultural Models, criticisms and development lines.

Federico Fanelli, Francesca Terri, Sabrina Bagnato, Paola Pagano, Silvia Potì, Stefania Attanasio, Renzo Carli


This study arises from the shared vision of psychology as a science with the power to know the social reality and to bring about changes, including political changes , seen as strategic for the regulation of living together in society. 
ìFrom this perspective, the "promotion of development" is identified with the negotiation and the construction of objectives oriented to individual or organisational resource use, which can change the relationship between individuals and context, through the planning of a new type of development project. 
These epistemological assumptions underlie this research, coordinated by Renzo Carli, focusing on the survey of collusive cultural processes characterizing workers with "atypical" contracts, for the purpose of spurring political action on the problems of living together in society connected to the spread of "atypical employment contracts".
We start from the vision of political action and government as a potential "client oriented" service; we consider the relationship between government and atypical workers as an organization that can be constructed through democratic negotiation processes on social development projects. 
Looking at labour reform, we believe that introducing a law is not enough to obtain a guarantee of its effective use: we think that our knowledge of Local Cultures (Carli & Paniccia, 2002) enables us to formulate hypotheses about the use of what has been introduced, to design activities promoting development in collaboration with government interlocutors, with their expectations, and their ability to invest in professional projects.

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Rivista di Psicologia Clinica. Teoria e metodi dell'intervento

Rivista Telematica a Carattere Scientifico Registrazione presso il Tribunale civile di Roma (n.149/2006 del 17/03/2006)

ISSN 1828-9363