
Issue Title
No 2 (2014) Violence against women: theoretical prospectives and experiences of integration and prevention in the outskirts and in the province of Naples Abstract  PDF (ita)
Valentina Scognamiglio, Roberta Di Capua
No 2 (2014) Special Educational Needs: diversity as potentiality. Methodological approaches for inclusive education. Abstract  PDF (ita)
Sonia Rossetti, Sara Seno
No 2 (2015) Mental Illness: Reflections about the papers presented in the Special Issue of Rivista di Psicologia Clinica 1/2014 Abstract
Roberto Vari
No 1 (2014) A research-intervention with the Municipal Libraries of Rome as a place of social coexistence in the city: Librarians and clients’ expectations in comparison Abstract  PDF (Italian)
Rosa Maria Paniccia, Cecilia Sesto
No 1 (2015) Integration of disability at primary and lower secondary schools in Italy: A research study on assistants for autonomy and communication Abstract  PDF (eng\ita)
Fiammetta Giovagnoli, Andrea Caputo, Rosa Maria Paniccia
Vol 14, No 1 (2019) Towards a view of health based on levels of integration and self-fulfilment: An alternative assessment model Abstract  PDF
Luigi Solano
No 2 (2014) Racial Integration in schools in Italy and in Germany: A small study with surprising results Abstract  PDF (eng)
Angelika Groterath
No 2 (2014) Families with a child with a disability: The expectations toward services and psychology. Abstract  PDF (eng\ita)
Rosa Maria Paniccia, Fiammetta Giovagnoli, Fiorella Bucci, Andrea Caputo
No 2 (2018) The culture of migrant reception services in Italy: An exploratory research Abstract
Rosa Maria Paniccia, Francesca Dolcetti, Tamara Cappelli, Giuseppe Donatiello, Graziana Di Noja
0 - 0 of 9 Items

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